Judaism’s holidays are either historically-based, agrarian, or intended to impart a religious or moral message. Some of the holidays combine several of these messages.
The most important holiday in Judaism is the sabbath or Shabbat (in Hebrew). It has a practical message, a religious message and a moral message. Over three thousand three hundred years ago, when the Israelites received the revelation from God at Mount Sinai and over the period of forty years when they wandered in the desert- in those days, a regular day of rest was unheard-of for most of the peoples of the earth. Only a free person and only a rich person could afford to rest. Slaves and the working poor worked until they died. The institution of the shabbat gave humanity the practical concept that a day of rest every seven days could renew a person physically. Nowadays, when many people have a day of rest, the emphasis of Shabbat has shifted more to spiritual and emotional renewal. According to Jewish law, the shabbat is a time for prayer, Bible study and contemplation. It is supposed to be a peaceful time. Therefore, work is banned, as are many activities which are normally part of the working day. During this day, one will enjoy activities such as taking walks, meeting friends, and enjoying nature.
The main holidays are: Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year; Yom Kippur- the Day of Atonement, Pesach or Passover. The other holidays are: Sukkot- the fall harvest festival, Simcha Torah- the Rejoicing of the Law, Hanukkah- the Festival of Lights, Purim, and Pesach or Passover, and Shavuot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah.
Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year festival. It occurs in the fall. It is a 2-day holiday (one day in Israel). It celebrates the New Year and also imparts a religious message of repentance, new beginnings and joy. It marks the start of the 10 days of Awe or 10 days of Repentance; at which time we look over the past year and resolve to do better in our obligations to the Creator and to our fellow human beings. It is also a time of joy, during which time we thank God for the upcoming New Year and the renewal of life.
Yom Kippur is also called the Day of Atonement. It occurs 10 days after Rosh Hashana. It is a solemn fast day, during which we abstain from food, drink and marital relations. It is a day devoted to prayer and repentance. Judaism is Judaism considers that sins are bad actions, and that sin is not a state of being. We can resolve to desist from sinning. We are not held to an impossible standard. In the Tanach (“Old Testament), we are constantly enjoined by God and the prophets to choose the right path and the right behaviour. If we fall down morally, we can and must “pick ourselves up” and repent and resolve to desist from sinning. Repentance is a mechanism by which God allows us to improve. If we truly repent and sin no more, we are forgiven. The Day of Atonement is the only day of the year devoted exclusively to fasting, moral self-examination and repentance. Moral self-examination is called “heshbon ha nefesh” in Hebrew- literally “accounting of the soul”. Of course, Judaism requires that must repent from a sin immediately we realize that we have sinned, and not wait for the Day of Atonement or any specific day.
Sukkot or the Feast of Tabernacles is both an agrarian and a historical-based holiday. It occurs in the autumn, shortly after Yom Kippur. It commemorates the wandering of the Israelites in the desert after their exodus from slavery in Egypt on the way to Canaan (which became the land of Israel). During that time, they lived in booths or tabernacles. So, during the eight days of this festival (seven days in Israel), Jews live in or at least eat meals in temporary structures, usually made of wood, whose roofs are open to the sky, covered with leafy branches and hung with fruit. Like other Jewish holidays, we re-live the experiences of our ancestors and that is how the observance of the holiday becomes meaningful.
Simcha Torah or Simha Torah, the “Rejoicing of the Law” celebrates the end of the yearly cycle of Torah readings and the immediate beginning of the new cycle. It occurs in the autumn, after Sukkot. Jews read the entire 5 books of Moses over the course of a year, at the rate of a few chapters every Shabbat. Since the Torah (the 5 Books of Moses) is the most important book in Judaism, Simcha Torah is an important holiday. It is celebrated in synagogues.
Hannukah, which is an eight-day festival which occurs in the winter (in November or December. It celebrates the victory, in approx. 150 B.C.E. (2180 years ago), of the small Maccabee army over the forces of Antiochus Epiphanes (a Syrian Greek ruler) and the recapture and re-dedication (re-purification) of the Temple of Jerusalem (which had been defiled by Syrian Greek forces). Until its destruction in 70 C.E. (2090 years ago) by Roman forces, the Temple of Jerusalem was the most important religious site in Israel.
Purim is the celebration of the salvation, approximately 2300 years ago, of the Jews of the Persian Empire from a plot to destroy them. It occurs in spring. It is marked by joyful celebrations in which many children wear costumes and attend Purim parties.
Passover, or Pesach is one of the most important Jewish holidays. It occurs in spring, usually late March or early April. It celebrates the deliverance of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt and their leaving Egypt over 3300 years ago. It is an eight-day holiday, celebrated in the spring. It is marked by a special celebratory dinner on each of the first two nights, called a “seder” (which means “order” in Hebrew). During the seder, the story of the Exodus from Egypt is told. The holiday is also marked by abstaining from leavened bread and all other forms of leaven.
Shavuot commemorates the giving of the Torah by God to the Israelites at Mount Sinai approximately 3300 years ago. It occurs in the summer, approximately fifty days after Passover. It is traditional to study the Torah and other holy books all night on this festival.
Sukkot, Passover and Shavuot are the three “pilgrimage” festivals, when, during the time the Temple stood, Jews would come from all over Israel to the Temple in Jerusalem and dedicate the first fruits of their harvest to the Temple.